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Posted by : Unknown Tuesday 28 May 2013

I suppose, unlike a number of Nigerian women whose teeth clamp up once they marry, I am quite open to talk about about sex. Actually, I very much enjoy talking about sex. For one, I love breaking out of the mould. And two, well it's fun to talk about. But, there is a stigma that comes with it. Being called a sex writer (I abhor that!) is one. Another is being afraid you have been cast in a role that you will forever fight to burst out from. And so, while I continue sending articles to Daily Times while I was back in Nigeria, I was quite uncomfortable with continuing writing the column. It was a little easy with DT. Ugo Chime is quite a unisex name, so many assumed I was a man - yep, you guessed it. Men can always talk about it, married or not. It doesn't diminish their professional image. When a man is talking about sex in general, it is not regarded as a 'green light'. He's just being his naughty self. Well, I am a woman and I don't get that ticket. Additionally, I am a married woman - "what does your husband think of this?"

It has been a while I updated my DT column, not because I finally gave in to my discomfort, but because I had new worries in life and heavily in life now and, as usual, something has got to give. But, my school days are gradually coming to an end now, and I have to decide what to do with my writing self. I was asked to blog for a public health/international development platform, but those guys sound so 'smart' and technical, I couldn't breathe. Perhaps with some learning, I could get to sound like that too, but it's really not my style (or maybe I'm giving up too easy without a fight. But, who knows. Maybe I will surprise myself, and you all will read a piece from me that displays exceptional critical reasoning abilities - although I doubt that). I like informal writing. It's more personal - duh! And, my favourite word, non-conformist. I'm a Sagittarian - we loathe boundaries. 

Anyway, so I got this new opportunity for me to write creatively again. As one of the editors put it "Your pieces on erotica proved quite popular". Hehehehehehehe. Okay, I accept that compliment, and pretend it's not probably those clicking on the links that turn around and dub me 'sex writer'. Question is, do I still want to write in this way? While I don't ever see myself seeking a political position, I am hoping to build a career in health policy. And should my plans for PhD work out (the yeye thing has suffered several blows in the past, yet I press on), should I not be more 'serious-sounding'? The good thing is that Ugo Chime is not my official name, and I should still be able to keep my two personas separate. But, that's not a lot of fun, is it? Keeping up with which persona I am to who?

Again, will the world ever get to the point where sex used in the same context as woman isn't equal to easy? 

NB: Would you believe the photo I used for this post was drawn in 1885!!!! Amazing! The world wasn't as conservative as people want to insist it was. 


{ 5 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Replies
    1. I tell you!!!! I was impressed too

    2. Same gate crasher.........
      I am impressed but not surprised. There is no new style under the sun. The human anatomy has been explored and orifices entered from every possible angle you can think of. If you can think it, it has been done.
      Some folks obviously thing 69 was invented by the producers of MTV.

  2. Double persona indeed, you got me thinking...why do you go by the name; Ugo Chime just to express yourself. Although you have something to offer.

    1. Ha! Na who u be wey dey answer my name! reveal yourself sharp!


definitely go for it!

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