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Posted by : Unknown Friday 21 June 2013

 Mes cherries!

Okay, even with my long forgotten French, I know that's not correct. Just bear with me here. I’m typing this on company (internship) time. It's been ages I last blogged. Well, nobody left comment in the last two posts, I wasn't sure people are reading. Anyway, I remembered I promised Vera I would see this new blogging thing through. So, here I am making an effort. What do I want to talk about today? Hmmm, let’s see.

I have made quite some progress with my dissertation. The data collection aspect of it is almost done, and now analysis – which is a bit of a burger cos I don’t know jack about how to go about it. Supervisors are heaven-sent, luckily. So while I have something to worry about, it’s not as bad as most of my classmates who are having it absolutely tough. This PhD business oh. Imagine having supervisors like that my classmates for 3 years. Na only sheer determination go keep u going. No be say if u wan drop out of your research, anybody go hold you hand, dey beg you make you no go. I am not the praying kind, but mehn, when water pass garri, one gasta do the necessary. But anyway, na PhD runs be dat – which is quite very farfetched for me right now. It’s still very much a dream, nothing even one-quarter close to reality.

I am interning at two places at the moment: one an NGO specialising in health policy, the other is a Trust within NHS. The NHS bit is on mental health, but specifically on nutrition, which I have almost kinda forgotten I have a passion for being so focused on public health in general. Neither are paid internship, which means I remain f**king broke and that is so not nice. I am a bit limited on my job availability, as 3 days goes into the internship and the remaining days into my dissertation/mothering hyperactive bomboy. It is also very stressful. Not having money is hard enough on its own, not having money and being constantly on the go is much much harder. Who knows, maybe that’s why I’m blogging right now when I should be working on the project assigned to me. My brain had taken the decision to take a break, with or without my consent.

And finally, bomboy is growing up so fast and his assertive personality is emerging ever so strongly. He has always been a strong willed child. When I was co-parenting with MM, it was a struggle for me to discipline him as MM has other ideas about how to raise a child. So, I’m afraid by the time I got him all by myself, some damage had already been done. School work and fitting into a relatively new environment (at least, in a different capacity) left me a little too tired to clamber down on bomboy. Besides, everyone made a point to inform me about the risk of me losing my child to social service. Still, I tried what I could. Anyway, like I was saying, bomboy has grown quite assertive and I feel it's time to break his wings before he flies away. The problem is, I don’t know how. I don’t want to be as harsh as my parents were with us. I don’t want to be as permissive as my mom  is now with my kid sister, and as MM seems to advocate. I have one kid, can’t afford to have him run haywire. But I don’t want to be tyrannical either. People say balance – yeah, but what does that actually mean? I have talked a lot today, so maybe next time I will tell you of specific situations and you will sort of get what I mean.

BTW, Kimye named their daughter North West. LMAO. No further comments.


{ 4 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Nothing terribly wrong with North West, I live in the NW so yay! LOL...

    1. hahahahahaha. Craze pple. Pls all the yeye time you reported taking for a name dat has been floating around for months now. Abi, ddnt Kim deny they would name their child dat sef? Oh jare.

  2. You've got your hands full. Best wishes with your PhD and bomboy.

    1. I maybe i have taken on too much. But my 55 years old mother works like a jacky, & then i feel ashamed


definitely go for it!

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